Friday, July 22, 2011

A Knights Tale

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ONE of the greatest love letters ever

My Dearest Jocelyn
Its strange to think I haven't seen your since a month.  I have seen the new moon but not you.  I have seen the sunsets and sunrises but nothing of your beautiful face.  The pieces of my broken heart are so small they can be passed thru an eye of a needle.  I miss you like the sun misses the flower in the depths of winter.  Instead of beauty to direct it's light to the heart.  It hardens like the frozen world your heart has banished me to.  Hope guides me its what gets me thru the day and specially the night.  The hope after your gone from my sight that it will not be the last time I look upon you.  With all the love I posses I possess I remain yours.
The Knight of your heart...

Thursday, July 07, 2011

This song made me cry

You may leave your complaints to the bitching department otherwise post a comment on my handy dandy upgrades to my blog. :::grins:::I wanna be loved like that

This is what Im going to tell future boyfriends if they cant handle that then piss off enough said.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Forgiveness of Self

SERENITY                             You may leave your complaints to the bitching department otherwise post a comment on my handy dandy upgrades to my blog. :::grins:::

I think I realized my problem today and realized why why why I push people away.  Why I only let people get so close than I just completely shut down.  Megan was a lesson but who am I to be so perfect Im not believe me I try to be but I fail completely.  Haven't you ever done something so terrible that you wish that person could forgive you?  If the roles were reversed would you be so forgiving and just turn the other cheek.  I have had betrayals toward my person the first one Gavin who I didn't turn the other cheek and the other Megan whom choose what she wanted to do.  The first one I had to let you go because honestly your unworthy of me and I couldn't be the person you needed in your life.  You most certainly wasn't the person whom you projected yourself to be trying to earn my trust with falsehood and lies but like everything eventually it all comes out in the wash.  Megan I can forgive because she was sincere in her apology and my mother said something awhile ago while I was talking on the phone to her when I asked her how she was able to forgive Jeanetta her transgressions...  She said sometimes it isn't worth living without that person whom you loved so much in the first place sometimes you just gotta give a little in return.  Motau who hurt me so deeply that I thought the very act of breathing would kill me I forgave a long time ago but the trust was never there.  I am sorry for walking away from getting married and hurt you in that way.  But that one little lie which you know what im speaking about crushed me so deep that it was a knee jerk reaction to walk away and just give up.  I closed myself my heart my life my everything up I have never loved another as I have loved him he will always be the love of my life.  I do not think I possess the ability to love another in that way.  I know that I love my friends would without hesitation die for them or those whom I consider my family.  A person the other day told me that me calling them my best friend was insignificant *he didnt use this word but thats how I took it* sadly this is completely untrue.  I dont have a lot of friends because I look for the most amazing people I can find and I keep them not only as friends but family.  I think I have a handful of friends that I completely and utterly trust with my secrets and personal thoughts.  I say this your are my best friend because you are worthy of the title and that I have put my trust in you because you have shown me the valor of your person and I am completely impressed.  That there is no hiding behind false masks or putting up airs just because as you have said im am unworthy.  I already know where I stand with you and im completely happy and satisfied in that position.

So back to the dream it struck me as profound the person telling me this I haven't forgiven myself of my faults I live with it I breathe it I punish myself for it everyday.  I deny myself the one thing I ultimately want because I do not think myself worthy of it.  Self loathing is a pain you have no idea I second guess everything myself the things around me.  I constantly analyze every situation down to the molecule and then do it some more.   I have burned bridges because you have done some pretty gnarly stuff to me that I find that I can't even look at your face for.  I have yet to call Mariano dont have the desire or the need to do so.  I already know the pressure from your family has had you call me because you dont want to lose face not that you really care but you must present yourself as the good guy.  But I already know what a crappy ass person you are your not fooling me im just sad that you couldn't be the person you are when you are with me twenty four seven instead you think its a weakness.  I told you before when I asked for help that I would never contact you again that you pretty much killed it the mere fact that you didnt call yourself other than this last time i have lost respect.  Once gone its pretty much DONZO.

I feel like I am trying to hard to hang out with people when before they were searching me out to hang with them that I am doing way too much.  So pretty much  I will step back and just let it be don't try anymore if you want to hang with me then you will.  If you don't than it is what it is and whatever happens happens.  I can't make you see what is already right in front of your face.

I painted my nails today this fierce purple and when my foot stops being completely and utterly stupid  I will paint my toes purple.  Hates the fact that im super allergic to everything and walking on anything dirty regardless of changing my socks three times a day gives me hives which I cant help but itch.  I wish I never discovered the pleasure of scratching.  Anybody who has ever scratched that itch or have had someone scratch their back understand the sheer cat like pleasure it gives you.

My Jade is being real real real special you have no idea with the non listening, the disrespect, and the plain willfulness to do what she wants instead of listening.  Yesterday was the dog, not putting back the stool, refusing to eat delicious food that she wants me to cook than deems it unworthy of eating, not wanting to go to bed at a decent time regardless of how many times she gets punished.  I am at my wits end with her.  You ever feel like the worst parent on the planet -----> points to self points to self.  Currently feeling the weight of being a single parent and wishing she was never born.  My mother was always able to pawn off her kids to grandparents and or uncles whenever she felt the need to get away from us years at a time.  Why arent I so damm lucky?  They see Jade and they are like fuck no hell no shit no....  I am completely and utterly physcially and mentally exhausted.  I realized at this exact moment I dont need a man I need a champion who only wears Cassandra's colors proudly.  Where is such a person?  When you deem me worthy God let me know cause frankly my heart is held together by duct tape, super glue, rubber bands, silly putty, paper clips, and some twine.  I could really really really use a hug and not feel so damm alone in the world.

Monday, July 04, 2011

Letting Go...

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Sometimes when you see the person who hurt you so badly really upset and crying you kinda gotta let them know its okay even what they did was wrong you just let it go.  I saw Megan tonight really upset and yeah I could of done some shady shit back to her but whats the point really?!  Yeah your probally thinking is this girl crazy...  Probally a little mostly alot grins boinks head but I really dont have it in me to be mean to Megan ignore her yes but mean no.  Besides I got rid of all my stuff I was completely and utterly mad for about three weeks and then one day I just woke up not angry.  Looked at my missing stuff or lack their off and said fuck it Ill get it back who knows this purging of personal belongings might be what I need to motivate me to do something better with my life.  I remember when I lost my belongings before my baby books everything that I ever wanted cared for or needed my childhood memories gone.  I think there is something to find out in the world something I need to do and maybe in another state is where I should be.  Kind of a new adventure imma embrace it whole heartedly and try to find peace and solitude in the country.

Although getting even with Gavin was pretty much a really really really good thing.  Bastard was trying to play his gf against me when he said he wasnt dating and im telling him I only want to be friends...  Thank you for my gut instinct telling me he is being hella shady and not telling the truth.  I followed it to the letter and came up with the right answer.  Im sorry Starla for hurting you was never my intention but Gavin is an asshat who should of been more of a human being instead of pond scum.  Karma is a bitch Gavin what you put out in the universe will come back to haunt you and I was tired of being pushed around because im nice...  I hope that you finally get what you deserve and trying to date a 17 year old is kinda pathetic dont you think.  Happy face to me for letting that person go out of my life who is entirely unworthy of being alive when you prey on little girls because no one older in their right mind will let you have them.  Thank you god for me having the presence of mind to ignore you trying to push me into sex thank you thank you.  Otherwise I could of been a miserable peep being played by a very very very little boy.

All things happen for a reason and in the chaos of the world it all evens out somehow.

So I end this journal where I started very very very happy that im not drinking that I can watch my roommates be complete and utter lushes smiles.  Tomorrow I gotta get my car smogged again pay for the tags and get that together so when I leave its all done pray that all the crap thats wrong with my truck is fixed and finally done.  Crosses fingers.  Magic will happen I know this if I put enough elbow grease into it...  So tonight when I go to bed imma pray and ask God what I can do for him?!!!

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Caveman and Guns

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So yeah today was a good day but it came with a quick and utter realization that men are still Caveman that need to be wiped from existence.  Juan my cousins boyfriend told her he wouldn't marry her unless she became a true catholic even though he got with her already knowing her religious status.  Now currently the asshat doesn't want to man up when he knocked her up.  That her being his long time girlfriend is good enough for the mother of your child whom you claim to love.  Why oh why are guys so fucking and utterly pathetic to think my beautiful cousin
wouldnt leave his dumb ass is beyond me.  I am rightfully pissed off not the first time he has done this to her.

Oooh and another subject yeah Gavin Lee Coak biggest asshat on the planet thought he could play me like a fool.  Like this chick isn't smart enough to connect the dots and follow the t's.  I went with my gut instinct on this one and followed my nose posted a few things seeing if I would get a bite and I did.  Come to find out he has a gf named Starla Silvestri on facebook that he has been gfs with for awhile after professing his love for me and wanting to come out to see me.  Yeah I realize that even being his friend is a complete waste of time that he will try to manipulate the situation any way he can.  Considering you used to be my best friend and now look at you your an asshat not even worthy of being called a human being thank you GOD for showing me the true error of my ways before I even let that guy ever put a hand on me.  THANK YOU THANK YOU.

Now my dearest friend Blaine is worthy of mention because he is a beautiful soul and a saint.  Married to his lovely wife and treats her with love and respect the way he should.  Thank you thank you god for shining examples of how to act.  My friend online takes care of his wife she just had a baby and he stays up all night with him just to let his wife sleep because she is exhausted and he loves his wife dearly.  Another example.

Sigh why oh why must I be this angry I wanna go to sleep I really really wanna go to sleep just I cant and I feel like I should do something anything to make this feeling go away.  Going to bed so I can pretend that there arent assholes out there trying to get with me just so they can have a conquest...  I am a beautiful person and no you cant have none of this...  I will wait for the right person whom I need to be with for the rest of my life or I will not sleep with you...

Friday, July 01, 2011

Bittersweet Memories

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So today I woke up late because I couldn't sleep not one wink last night no matter how hard I tried just couldn't make myself sleep I was completely restless.  When I finally woke up I felt like I didn't get enough sleep whatsoever so basically I felt completely lethargic.  Trying to figure my whole situation out more get into grips the whole fact that im leaving my mom behind to start over in a place that is completely new to me.  Kinda scary kinda nice but I will know no one there so I will not have any friends to hang out with.  How am I going to occupy myself with the time I have on hand...  I already know what I am going to do just dont know how and the heck im going to go about doing it.

Lisa needed a pick me up today so I took what money I had bought pizza and soda just so we can hang out together.  I think you need to do these things she is a single mother like me dealing with all this crap alone and from one sister to another life is hard.  I can understand how you would get frustrated with being alone in the responsibility of raising kids.  Hell I haven't had any help whatsoever they expect me to be wonder woman and enjoy it I dont.  I can't complain too bad my girls are my world they are these complete beautiful little women who one day will be mothers on their own.  The water got turned off at Lisa's house so she really really really needed to take a shower and if you can imagine how hot it is here and the little babies running around getting into everything.  A shower is a small blessing in disguise you have no idea.   I wont be able to see her for a very very very long time.  I think things happen for a reason that we can't perceive and understanding will come in time.  I know things cycle around a couple of times so if I dont get to see you in real life again there is always facebook.

So many thoughts are running inside my head I dont know what to do and how to do them half the time.  What to say what not to say how to be what not to be.  This viscious circle.  I see this opportunity to be happy if I am bold enough to take it but am I worthy enough to take it is the question?