Friday, May 13, 2011

Harpies vs Monkies

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I haven't written in awhile not that I dont have nothing to say I just don't want everyone in my business but peeps keep bugging me to write so here I am.  I am writing poetry again and no im not dating Gavin he called me the other day to tell me someone died I was like really I dont really care.  Dont speak to me only time you do is when you are having problems and if you listened to me in the first place I might be able to help you negotiate out of shit but regardless your young you will have to beat your head against a wall before it sinks in.

Still haven't found a job kinda depresses me out because im know im skilled but regardless I would of thought my sparkling good humor and my looks would get me in the door lol.  My friends tell me to go where a short skirt and some high heels like I would ever stoop that low to do that cracks up.  My resume has been sent and still nothing kinda makes me feel like im doomed you know.  Tired of sitting home afraid to spend money because what if something happens I must prepare for the inevitable fuckups that are bound to happen.

Ooooh before I totally totally forget one of my besties aka Monkey aka Bryan sent me this totally cool box full of goodies I looked at it and was like damm.  Kind of amazes me that there are people out in the world who do nice shit for the sake of doing them you know.  I thought I was the only one who did that to make people smile.  I was kinda taken back you know pleasantly surprised it was kinda like xmas except I didnt have to leave cookies out for santa.  I went to go buy the stuff for cookies but megan lost my card and I have to wait 10 days for a new one kinda made me mad but what can you do.  I was going to surprise my bestie with three dozen of cookies chocolate chip yummy...  Try to return the favor with something I know I can totally pull off I just have to figure out how to ship cookies to Germany.  He surprises me he writes the most beautiful peotry I have ever seen since Jason Freston.  Thats where I learned to write was from Freston I found his poetry book one day he left it in my back back when he was getting my school books together and I think he did it on purpose.  I really wish I could share some of the stuff but I cant I made a promise but oh my god that boy has the talent.  Visually its brings you into the situation with this beautiful verbal scenery sometimes it makes me cry others make me laugh.  Some are hauntingly sweet and lovely to his wife who most of been one special person to be given the most thought provoking poetry ever.  I want to be loved like that to be cherished and know your loved  it amazes me.  Makes me strong to keep not settling for bullshit guys and just wait for the right one and not settle for whatever comes my way.  Gavin was a serious lesson of what not to do and who not to trust. I am afraid I can admit this freely I have walked away from love because he lied to me and I dont think I should of given him a second chance when he abandoned his kid in the first place and you know you did.  I know that I am a big softie when it comes to peeps I love.  Some people are fast becoming new loves that I love as my friends who will become family whether they like it or not.  You dont get to choose your family but you get to choose friends who become your family like lost cousins or something.

So I have been hanging out with Bryan whom is my henchman playing world of warcraft its always a blast and he doesnt mind my humor.  He pointed out that Im overly sexual but he is the one commenting that I use the word suck alot.  I think its his brain all screwed up and he is just laying the blame on me smiles.  Okay I can admit the bantering is fun and im enjoying myself its all in good fun as long as someone doesnt lose an eye we are all good.  Thanks Bryan your making wow totally fun.

Hmm what to say I have a damm cold my throat hurts like hell been drinking green tea with lemon and honey all day to combat it.  Spraying my throat with chloraseptic which has codine in it im highly allergic to so I had to take an antihistamine to combat my throat closing up yeah win win today lol.  Just was trying to cool the damm burning in my throat which the symptons came on in just one day thank you Jade and Cassie for bringing home the plague I resisted it for two weeks but damm I had to miss step somewhere because im paying for it now.  I have this huge headache so I probally didnt handle it well when Gavin called complaining about his problems.  I was moody pissy and bitchy sad face but I was like damm boy you only text me when you have no one else well im not here anymore jerk.  I have tried to be there for you but you push me away again and again saying im too helpful how in the hell can I be too helpful?  WTH?!

Anyways gearing out my Mage Exoticmage almost done got two more stuff to add to it and then its done happy face.  Then its the fucked up pally which I hate that does piss poor dps and is embarrassing Im sticking it out but doesnt mean I have to like it one little bit.

Good night much love 

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