Sunday, May 29, 2011

This just keeps getting better and better

You may leave your complaints to the bitching department otherwise post a comment on my handy dandy upgrades to my blog. :::grins:::

So if you think she would actually leave me alone and quit her shit yeah right this wouldn't be Megan she actually had the nerve to lock the cat in with the bird early in the morning so it could get eat.  Luckily for Kiera she didnt kill my daughters bird otherwise Jeff would be forking over some money for a tame rare bird little does Megan know we got a discount with that bird cause I know the owner and they got me there sweetest tamest bird possible and recommend that bird to me.  I kinda of don't get her deal seriously have I went out of my way to hurt you!?  Answers no.  Hell I have asked if you want to go walking with me like old times and I got snapped at for asking and she went to her room im like really if you want to just get bigger thats fine with me but you dont have to be a bitch about it.  Kinda tired of her attitude problem she has been sporting for a really long time and blaming blaming blaming everyone else yes woman you can control yourself but you cant control anyone else its impossible.  You can control how you react to people places and things but you cant control everyone in your household.  I realize how she is being im pretty sure she is going to Maryann and saying how we are so terrible and making her life a living hell.  Lets discuss this.  Honestly whens the last time you actually got off your ass to clean?  A every sunday I power clean the bathroom and the kitchen which includes sweeping mopping scrubbing toilets sinks mirrors and worst of all that damm kitty litter thats seems to be everywhere since you wont get off your ass to pick it up.  Should be part of the whole cleanup kitty litter process cause everymorning when your barefoot going to the bathroom you step on it kinda gross if you ask me and every three days im sweeping this shit up so as to not have to step on it.  Now whens the last time you actually cleaned out the shower?   Hmm I would say over a month probally longer cause I haven't actually seen her clean other than her normal chores of dishes three times a week.  Not going to clean the livingroom cause hell its a hint to actually get up and clean probally not going to do it if I know her the only times she cleans if someone is expected over and then she makes a big fuss of actually cleaning and I let her do it by herself.  Cause hell I do it once a week you can too but thats too much to ask.  Jeff and I have had this conversation about her not cleaning the day we discussed me moving and her ultimatum and yes Megan I know about the ultimatum you gave Jeff like you would actually move to Canada no one would support you there but your parents and you like your freedom with Jeff.  I know she has gotten my letter to leave me alone isnt rocket science but dont try to be petty with me im not even going to sink to your level hell I couldn't if I tried not in me to be a complete asshat like your acting.  You ask her an innocent question like hey are you going to cook and she jumps down your throat saying crap at you.  Normally I ask because she never plans on cooking or setting anything out she has grown lazy about doing this you use to complain that you had to do it 7 days a week I get here and now im mostly doing it without complaint and you take it for granted.  I have been your friend for awhile been there when Garnet left your ass and you shit on me like its nothing.  Hell I took you to the gym while you bitched at me your going to die and pushed you cause I know you overeat and if I make you tired enough you will go to sleep instead of eating.  Honestly it worked for awhile and since I cant pay for my gym membership anymore she hasnt bothered going blaming it on Jeff that she has to stay up with him all night.  Honestly this finger pointing is getting tedious dont you think you can go look in the mirror and say hey im lazy I dont want to lose weight cause Jeff would put up with it cause he loves you.  Stop for the love of God pointing those damm fingers at us and take into account what your actions are cause where I stand the shit is getting thick here.  If you wonder why I avoid you the moment you get up is because I can already tell by the way you walk what mood you are in and yes I can tell when you are in a good mood which lately it is rare cause you blame shit on us.  How far do you think that shit is going to fly when we are gone and your still acting the same.  You forget I know what you did to Garnet and how you acted over there hell you told Gavin and I in vent how you acted I have not forgotten.  So im telling you for your own good MEGAN cause I know your reading this probally mad at this point I still love you no matter how shitty of a person you have become but if you dont change your attitude problem eventually even Jeff is going to get tired of your shit and leave you and ship you back to your own country.  When im telling you to shut up is because your screaming at me at the top of your voice getting angry and cussing at me told me already three times the same thing you wanted to tell me.  So you think you can not spit at me when you talk that would be so damm nice you have no idea.  Another thing none of us like it when you bend over in nothing but a tshirt showing off your girl bits it actually creeps us out you have no idea.  Ever wonder why I dont respond while your in a towel at my door that doesnt cover all your nekkid skin?  Or I try to hurry up the conversation so you will get dressed?  Im asking you to stop we wont be here much longer but your shittiness needs to stop and stop fast or I will call the cops the next time your out of control I mean this and then you can actually get the help you need like anger management and some medication for your depression and mood swings....  You remind me of my mother who was coming off drugs with how fast your mood swings and you dont give warning signs usually your just a nuclear bomb going off.  Try chilling a bit before you open your mouth would be so damm nice cause literally I dont know how much I can take before I snap right back at you.  You have no idea how long I have wanted to tell you this.  I just instead talk to Jeff who refuses to say anything in front of me on how crappy your behavior is told me he would talk to you in private.  Good luck with that one.  If you want to have any kind of friends Megan cussing at them A is very bad B spitting while talking disgusting C dont yell try whispering we will strain to try to hear you D learn to control your temper E stop being a bitch please I liked you better when you werent trying to be mean and rude all the time just because you can F.  Put some tlc when you cook stop trying to hurry through a process so you can get it done as fast as you can.  G stop looking for something to yell at us for when you arent so great yourself.  H.  Start cleaning your house dont let me do it just because you dont want to go out your room that excuse is getting tired and annoying.  We are in our room most of the time because of you or havent you figured that out.  I stopped wanting to hang out with you because you were being a bitch all the time and no matter what I said you took it wrong even if its with good intentions.

I dont want to argue with my best friend which is the reason for the longest time I have kepted my mouth shut and not said a word as you go all Tyrant on everyone in the house specially if you have to clean or cook.  I am still your friend but Girl you need a wake up call and fast this finger pointing at other people and not taking the blame for your actions is ridiculous.  Try helping cleaning cause im getting tired of you just not helping and complaining when your not putting in any effort to do so if you wondering how the house magically gets clean we dont have house elves it just Cassie cleaning it while you do nothing but complain get off your ass and help.  I will complain again to Jeff about your lack of motivation in cleaning and just being a general asshat.  The moment you cross me again im going directly to Jeff to say something your rude imma go to Jeff for now on so you can see how mean your being.  Grow up already and stop being a bitch its uncalled for I have helped you while you have been sick for awhile and this is what I get in return shitty ass behavior.  Quit it before I cant like you anymore?!

Sincerely Cassandra

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